Saturday, July 4, 2009

Experiments in Mobile Projection

Site Siena
Site Siena is a media arts class offered by the University of Oregon in Siena for the month of July 2009. The class offers UO students the opportunity to explore Siena in depth and have additional trips to Florence and the Venice Biennale. The core of the class is a set of collaborative experiments in creative use mobile projection. Using MPro 110 mini projectors, donated to us by 3M, we are exploring issues such as site specific projection and media performance.

Using mini projectors represent a unique opportunity to explore a new technology before it is fully culturally integrated. As this technology gets incorporated into cell phones the use mobile projection systems will likely become highly culturally codified. At the moment we are at a state of flux as to how and whether this technology will prove to of cultural use — whether mobile projection will reach the level of ubiquity of cell phones and PDAs. It is a prefect cultural moment to explore the creative possibly of mobile projection before the cultural expectations of the technology gains fixity.